Extend your planting space upwards

I have designed and planted green roofs. This is an exciting way to extend the planting space in a garden. Selecting suitable plants and the right substrate is key, but a surprising variety of plants will thrive.

A green roof will often support a community of drought-tolerant, low-nutrient-tolerant plants (think Mediterranean hillside) that would struggle elsewhere in the garden - particularly a garden on heavy Oxford clay soil.

And they're fun!

stipa, lavandula, eryngium, euphorbia, allium, with brick paving on a green roof
stipa, lavandula, eryngium, euphorbia, allium, with brick paving on a green roof
grasses, euphorbia, poppy seedheads on a green roof
grasses, euphorbia, poppy seedheads on a green roof
stipa, festuca, euphorbia, lavandula on a green roof
stipa, festuca, euphorbia, lavandula on a green roof